Sign up for our January Creativity Workshop HERE!

We love to transform your family’s heirloom jewelry and create fashion-forward pieces you want to wear everyday.

Unique bridal jewelry for the bride and bridal party. We create completely unique and custom pieces and carry a Ready to Wear Bridal Jewelry line.

The Dora Mae Decree

By the power vested in me by the magical vintage fairies I, Ansley Schrimsher, hereby decree... 


By the power vested in me by the magical vintage fairies I, Ansley Schrimsher, hereby decree:  

  • Dora Mae is not about selling jewelry! I seriously would shrivel up and creatively die if that was our dried up business plan. Instead, we are inviting you into the process of restoring life and beauty into your family heirlooms! No heirlooms to recreate? No problem! That brings us to our next declaration.

  • Dora Mae is about discovering what “one of a kind” means to you. Celebrating unique style and perspective is our jam and we do a big happy dance when people break out of the mold of mass produced trends. If you walk out our studio doors and feel as unique and original as the jewelry you are wearing, our mission is complete.
  • Bravery for all. What did you say?! We helped you stretch in the style department? You feel a dash more confidence wearing something totally original that you didn’t copy? Oh we are happy dancing right out of your comfort zone with you. (Deep down we’re hoping this seemingly silly fashion decision could be symbolic of something deeper for you.)
  • Your stories matter to us and they make your designs better. Tell us how that brooch reminds you of your mom singing in a jazz club or a memory with your grandmother dancing in her rhinestone shoe buckles. Fashion is so much better when the heart shines through! Plus you’ll feel more connected to it AND you will wear it more AND other people will feel that energy AND you’ll get a million compliments. It’s just true.
  • Our mission boils down to living for something bigger than ourselves. There is something so freeing about living for more than just what “makes you happy,” and something outside your own personal realm of what’s “possible.” We flesh this out in our relationship with artisans in Madagascar and it’s been one of the most life-changing, perspective altering, faith-buildingexperiences we’ve ever had.
  • Don’t surpress your mess. Let all your colors show – even if sometimes they mix together and turn a poop brown color. It’s ok. We are all messy and stinky sometimes. And when we know the full story, we can help each other.
  • We are passionate about highlighting our fellow local artists and designers because good art speaks to the soul. And we will take any opportunity to increase our soul’s vocabulary! Also we love meeting and knowing and sharing ideas and being inspired by local creatives because it’s just fun. And then we fall in love with them and want to share their gifts with everyone we know. We love this creative rhythm. We can’t help but dance.

Happy Birthday to our studio and gallery. You and Whimsy and Narnia have served us well and I am grateful for the magic that fills your air. 

With deep love and deeper magic, 


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